Personal Finance Tips: The Ultimate Guide To Bookmark In 2022
Jan 01, 2022
Check out this tip from Tom Henkse is Rick Orford's Personal Finance Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Bookmark in 2022.
Personal Finance Tips I’d Tell My Younger Self
One small step for your future financial benefit
Put a recurring reminder in your calendar for Sunday evening EVERY week to commit to one very small financial thing you can do to take a step in the right direction. For example, if you’ve been meaning to set up an investment account but are afraid of getting it wrong, just commit to setting it up with the bare minimum balance they will allow. Or, if you felt like this year was the year to get your Wills drafted but don’t have the name of an estate planning attorney, just email a friend asking for a recommendation or even post that request on social media. Doing something beats doing nothing. Think small….take a small step once per week.
Thomas J. Henske, CFP®, CTS, ChFC, CFS, CLU, CLTC, CES and Partner, Lenox Advisors